YWRC Volunteer Application YWRC Volunteer Application Step 1 of 3 33% Your InformationYour Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Your Phone(Required)Current Employer (if applicable)Age:(Required) Under 18 years old 18 years of age or older Emergency Contact(Required) First Last Emergency Contact Phone Number(Required)Relationship to Emergency ContactHospital PreferenceDo you have any medical condition that may require the use of medications or emergency medical treatment? (Diabetes, heart condition, epilepsy, etc.)Do you have a record of founded child or dependent adult abuse?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explain:Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explain: Volunteer Information:Hours You Are Available to Volunteer(Required)Please tell us what hours you are available to volunteer each day of the week.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Add RemoveVolunteer Roles You Are Interested In:(Required) Meal and/or Snack Provider Childcare Donation Sorting/Supply Organization Participant Event Support Front Desk Assistance Community Event Support General Admin. Work One-time Special Projects How often would you like to volunteer?(Required) Once a week Twice a week Once a month Twice a month Seasonally As needed What are your previous volunteer experiences?(Required)What are your hobbies, interests, or special training? Volunteer ExpectationsTerms and Conditions(Required)Confidentiality Policy: The Young Women’s Resource Center affirms the right of its participants to receive services without fear of disclosure to other organizations, agencies, or individuals. No information shall be disclosed to any individual or agency regarding a participant without express written consent from the participant. Volunteer Code of Ethics: This code of ethics encompasses our organizational standards for all volunteers who interact with participants and staff. As a volunteer at the Young Women’s Resource Center, my goal is to uphold and honor the mission of the agency. I will: • Maintain the best interest of participants regarding support and services provided • Acknowledge and remain aware of the power my role gives me with participants • Respect the physical safety of clients, staff, and other volunteers • Strive to minimize the impact of the power differentiation • Hold myself accountable to the volunteer work and time that I have committed to • Cancel or reschedule my volunteer shift when feeling ill or diagnosed with a contagious illness • Care for myself and my mental health as a component of being a responsible volunteer and community member. Dress Code: We encourage volunteers to consider their task when choosing attire. We recommend comfortable or casual clothes conducive to the assigned task as volunteer opportunities could be indoor and/or outdoor. Gloves, cleaning supplies, and materials will be provided. Social Media Policy: The YWRC encourages the responsible use of social media. Inappropriate use of photography or social media can pose risks to participants' safety and well-being. Volunteers may not take photos of participants for social media, or any other use, unless previously approved by the Director of Communications. There is a zero tolerance policy on the use of personal social media to share pictures, videos or identifying information of participants taken by volunteers, regardless of intended audience. Use of social media while volunteering should be kept to a minimum while volunteering. Volunteers are welcome to share YWRC’s published content on social media platforms. Volunteers may share about their volunteer experience on their social media platforms without participants or any identifying information. Applicant’s Statement: By signing below, I certify that the information on the front of this form is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that discovery of misrepresentation or omission or facts could be cause for immediate discharge as a volunteer. I authorize the YWRC to investigate all statements contained in this form, as well as my character and qualifications. I authorize the YWRC to contact any of my references for full information. I authorize my past and present employers, volunteer organizations, and others with information regarding my work, volunteering or my character, to provide all information requested and to cooperate fully with the inquiry of my character and qualifications. I also release those employers, references, and others from all liability for providing information in good faith and without malice. I understand that the facility will conduct a child abuse/criminal record check on my background. I waive any right that I may have to inspect any information provided about me by any person or organization identified by me in this application. Waiver to Participate/Medical Release: In consideration of your acceptance of my participation, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrations, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may now or hereafter have against the YWRC, individuals associated with the YWRC, or its successors and assigns. For any and all injuries of any nature suffered by me in connection with me (or my minor child’s) participation with the YWRC I certify that: I have full knowledge of any risks involved; I am physically fit and satisfactorily trained to participate; and I have no medical or physical conditions that prevent my participation. Further, if either me, or my children, sustains an injury or becomes ill while on the premises of, or while engaged in an activity associated with the YWRC, I do hereby give my permission and/or consent to the personnel of YWRC to secure and authorize such emergency medical/dental and/or treatment as either me or my children might require. I agree to pay all of the costs and fees authorized under this consent. I agree to the terms and conditions.Consent(Required) I have read and understand the information contained on this formUntitled First Choice Second Choice Third Choice NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.