We’re Still Here. A Response to the 6-Week Ban.

WE’RE STILL HERE. The six-week abortion ban went into effect in Iowa today. This legislation may negatively impact the youth we serve – we’ll share more about the ban, why it matters, and the complexities of what it means for the future of youth another day. For now, hear us when we say that we at the Young Women’s Resource Center remain committed to the health, safety, and empowerment of girls and young women*.

We’ll continue to provide them with the critical tools they need to determine what is best for them, their bodies, and their unique experiences.

Whether we’re providing free childbirth education, leading parenting and life skills groups, teaching age-appropriate reproductive health so youth know how their bodies work, empowering conversations about consent, or helping navigate and access healthcare options, WE’RE STILL HERE.

We specialize in services for youth ages 10 through 24 years old, and are ready to help them navigate this new healthcare landscape. Reach out to us via email here if you’d like to receive support, ask questions, or offer resources. You can also view a list of resources below.

These programs are more important now than ever before and we thank you for being part of our community that makes them possible. During significant moments like this, our supporters often ask how they can help. You can continue to support our crucial work by sharing our social media posts, making a donation, and volunteering your time.

For 46 years the YWRC has been responding to the everchanging needs of girls and young women. Rest assured that we’re not going anywhere. We are ready to overcome this – and any – challenge that arises for those we serve.

Sincere thanks,

Rachel Woodhouse, she/her
Interim Executive Director

*We define ‘girls and young women’ as any persons who have been socialized and/or identify as female. Trans and nonbinary friends included.

Key notes about this ban:

  • Abortion is still legal in Iowa, but the timing is challenging. Abortions are not allowed after cardiac activity can be detected which is typically around six weeks’ gestation (gestation starts from the first day of a person’s last period). This is challenging because it’s common to not be aware of the pregnancy this early.
  • The “heartbeat” this law refers to is electrical activity in the region of the fetus that will eventually become the heart. This electrical impulse can be detected around six weeks’ gestation – about only two weeks after missing a period.
  • Privacy-friendly internet options like Firefox and Duck Duck Go, as well as encrypted messaging services, are recommended.
  • Iowa does not have any laws restricting traveling for an abortion. Both Illinois and Minnesota are serving out-of-state patients and have constitutionally protected abortion.
  • Medication can be provided via mail in lieu of needing to travel for services.

Additional resources available: